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  • What 技术 Should I Bring To Campus?
  • What 技术 Should I Bring To Campus?

    欢迎来到云顶集团! 你're probably wondering what type of technology 云顶集团 has and what type of technology you should bring.

    云顶集团 understands the world of computing is becoming increasingly mobile and wants to ensure all its students are ready for this reality by graduation. 出于这个原因, 云顶集团 has wifi in all classrooms and buildings and in most outdoor spaces as well. For that reason, 云顶集团 requires all students to have a laptop for learning.

    Computer Requirements

    Here are the minimum requirements the laptop needs to have in order to run efficiently for all four years:

    操作系统: Windows 10 or Mac OS X (10.14或更高)*

    硬盘: 256 gb固态硬盘

    记忆: 8 gb RAM

    处理器: 5 .英特尔(Intel)th gen) Processor, M1 Apple Chip or similar (i.e.AMD)

    *的 main operating system on your computer needs to be either Windows or Mac OS X. We cannot guarantee that applications that 云顶集团 support will work on other operating systems such as Linux and Chrome. Chromebooks will NOT work well at 云顶集团 and therefore we do not recommend them.

    NOTE: If you are intending to major in 计算机科学, you should have a laptop with the following minimum requirements: Quad-core i5 processor, 8 gb RAM, Solid State Drive (SSD) with at least 100 GB of available storage.


    We have partnered with Apple and Lenovo to provide you with several options of recommended models that meet the minimum requirements. Click the links below to access the vendor 网站:

    Please check back in July when Apple provides their Back to School Promo.Apple Education Store models that already include the $100 discount. Take advantage of their other discounted or free items available with purchase. We highly recommend adding a 3 or 4yr AppleCare warranty with your purchase.

    云顶集团 Lenovo Store provides four recommended models. 的 original price includes a 1-year warranty for 大多数模型. 的 option to upgrade to a 3 or 4yr warranty appears after you add the laptop to your cart. 提示: Rakuten users can get an additional rebate with purchase. 

    Do you need financial assistance? 云顶集团 provides a few strategies for students or families for whom the laptop requirement might pose a financial hardship.  请浏览 Financial Aid website for more information.

    What Else Should 你 Bring?

    技术 谁提供? Details


    Handheld devices such as tablets and phones are welcome on campus. However, they should not be used as your main computing device as they do not meet the minimum requirements. 你 are encouraged to sign up for our Emergency notification system using your cell phone number.

    Microsoft Office 365


    If you are buying a laptop, do not purchase Microsoft Office. 云顶集团 provides Office 365 for free for students. Instructions are available for accessing Office365 software



    云顶集团 provides all students with an 电子邮件帐户. Please note that this is the official form of communication for the campus.


    A surge protector is suggested for plugging in student electronic devices.



    A printer is not required. 学生 have access to printers in the Athenaeum. 学生 have a quota of 400 pages per semester. 参观 Print Wisely Program page to find out more about printing services.


    学生 can bring game systems but be sure your system can connect to the 云顶集团客人 无线网络. PS3, PS4 and Xbox systems may encounter connectivity issues with the college’s network because of their hardware settings and configuration.


    Please note that Samsung TVs have proven to be the easiest and best TV for connecting to the College 无线网络.


    的 Roku streaming device has proven to be the best for connecting to the college 无线网络.



    Do not bring wireless routers and range extenders. Wifi access is available in all 学生宿舍.

    Wireless Control Devices

    Wireless control devices such as smart bulbs and switches are permitted at this time but not recommended.


    Have 技术 Questions?

    学生 and parents should contact the Help Desk by email (helpdesk@vig2.net) or by phone/text (410-337-6322).